EBA General Assembly April 2017
10th August 2017
The spring 2017 General Assembly of the European Boating Association was held at the Tryp Palma Bellver Hotel, Palma de Majorca on 28 and 29 April 2017. Twenty Members were represented at the meeting.
The General Assembly formally approved the accounts for 2016, appointed auditors for 2017 and made adjustments to the 2017 budget. A review of the EBA strategic plan was undertaken and revisions were agreed.
The General Assembly approved position statements on personal flotation devices and the Transfer of Inland Waterways from the state sector to private ownership or operation. EBA position statements are available on the EBA website.
The conflict between antifouling and biocides legislation and invasive alien species legislation was discussed. It was agreed that data on existing national legislation and forthcoming activity needed to be collated in order to establish whether action to deal, in particular, with any potential cross border issues, is needed. A working group was formed to collate the data. Preparation for a presentation on Invasive Alien Species to the Bern Convention was undertaken.
EBA involvement with the “End of Life of Boats” issue was discussed and it was agreed that the EBA should work with industry to find a common position.
The General Assembly was briefed on the EBA’s involvement in a consultation regarding the revision of the criteria for Good Environmental Status (GES), of EU marine waters. Updates on the Fitness Check of EU Nature Legislation and the process of implementing river basin management plans under the Water Framework Directive were received. Members provided updates on the designation of Marine Protected Areas. Concerns over the attitudes towards recreational craft in the context of Maritime Spatial Planning were discussed and the need to support positions on important issues with sound evidence in the planning process was noted.
Issues surrounding the licensing of portable maritime radio devices were discussed. Updates on the Commission Staff Working Document on Nautical Tourism and the EBA’s activity at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe were received. The General Assembly also received pdate reports on International Maritime Organisation and World Sailing meetings, International Standards Organisation (ISO) Technical Committees (TC) 228 and (TC) 188 and the Recreational Craft Directive. The President reported on the presentations he had given at the November 2016 ICOMIA Marinas Conference and the Sustainability in the Marine Industry Conference (also November 2016). Reports and recommendations were also received from the EBA Communities of Common Interest (Baltic, Inland, Mediterranean and NE Atlantic and the North Sea).
Information on the work of the EBA and the criteria and cost of membership, for potential new members is available on the EBA website.
Next EBA General Assembly meeting: 6 – 7 October 2017, Stockholm, Sweden