Take part in the RYA kill cord and kill switch failure survey
16th July 2015
Help us research the reasons for failure of this vital piece of equipment
Ever had a kill cord or kill switch failure?
The RYA has a long-standing commitment to education about safety afloat. As such it has championed the use of kill cords on small open powerboats for many years. The kill cord message remains as important as ever. This survey examines causes of kill cord failure other than human error.
Please help us research the reasons for failure of this vital piece of equipment – Kill Cord and Kill Switch Survey: SURVEY NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
The survey should take only a few minutes to complete.
The survey results will help us better understand what problems boaters are experiencing so that we are able to shape future advice, training and work with manufacturers.
The survey closes on Wednesday 30 September 2015.
For more useful advice on kill cords: www.rya.org.uk/go/killcord

About the RYA
The RYA is the UK national body for all forms of recreational, competitive and professional boating. It represents dinghy and yacht racing, motor and sail cruising, RIBs and sportsboats, windsurfing, inland cruising and personal watercraft.
The RYA is recognised in the UK by all government offices as being the negotiating body for the activities it represents. It continually fights for the rights and freedoms of its 105,000 personal members, the majority of whom choose to go afloat for purely recreational non-competitive pleasure on coastal and inland waters. There are an estimated further 500,000 boat owners nationally who are members of RYA affiliated clubs and class associations.
The RYA also sets and maintains recognised standards for training for both leisure and commercial boating through a network of more than 2,500 RYA Recognised Training Centres across almost 50 countries. More than 240,000 people per year complete RYA training courses.
The RYA is committed to promoting all forms of boating and making them accessible to everyone. For more information please refer to our website www.rya.org.uk
You can find the RYA at RYA House, Ensign Way, Hamble, Southampton, SO31 4YA, United Kingdom.